È il momento giusto per veicoli elettrici o ibridi? Diesel e benzina sono ancora valide alternative?

Come si sta evolvendo la situazione delle motorizzazioni nelle flotte auto aziendali? È il momento giusto per passare all’ibrido? E i veicoli elettrici? In questo articolo il nostro Partner Mauro Serena traccia una sintesi della situazione italiana che viene confrontata, attraverso la testimonianza di altri tre partner internazionali del network Fleetcompetence, con quella francese, olandese e tedesca.

We clearly observe a request to remove Diesel powertrain from the market and more specifically from big cites (Milan will close the city to the diesel engines in 2030), while it has been demonstrated that Euro 6 diesel engines are among the greenest ever manufactured.

This situation has contributed to a significant reduction in the current and prospective residual values of diesel cars and forces the leasing companies to make important choices for the future, which they are facing with very different strategies. Some leasing companies have increased prices for diesel cars by up to 30%, favoring hybrid cars and granting discounts on diesel cars to customers who decide to introduce a significant number of HEV, PHEV and EV vehicles.

Offers on diesel commercial vehicles for up to 5 years are hesitant. In general, the need to innovate diesel and move to other technologies caused a significant increase in rental fees in the last two years.

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